The online dictionary has an extensive collection of quotes, acronyms, and idioms. It’s another favorite of translators for their legal, financial, and medical dictionaries. –The site offers a multilingual encyclopedia, thesaurus, and dictionary. Style guides in different languages are also available, as well as sector-related definitions. Translators can also download the user interface for ease of use. For technology and IT-related translations, this portal from Microsoft allows users to search terminology by sector. Aside from being a multilingual dictionary, translators can also search based on context. With a database of about 1,000,000,000 translations, the translator can back-check individual words and expressions. It allows users to double-check a phrase or word’s meaning.

To give you an idea, here are some of them. These tools, most of which are available online, help translators produce quality work consistently and efficiently. Today’s translators are lucky because several resources, software, and tools to help improve and hasten their work are available. Translation work covers many topics, and almost all of them require contextual knowledge and extensive research. They are meticulous in their work to ensure that they can deliver high quality and accurate translations. Apart from their skills, they use trusted resources, such as online translation tools, terminology lists, dictionaries, and reference books, including online research. Translators are highly trained individuals who take on the intricate and complex task of translating written texts from one language to another. Don't see the language you are looking for?.